Islamic scholars worry about spread of pluralism in Msia

November 18, 2012 12:44 MYT
Islamic thinkers today expressed their concerns on the spread of religious pluralism in the country which according to them if left unchecked could waver the faith of Muslims, especially among the
younger generation.
Therefore, they hoped all Muslims irrespective of their professions and status in the community should play their roles with the Islamic religious authorities in the states to fight the concept so that the position of Islam as the official religion continued to be preserved as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
Former Kedah Mufti, Datuk Syeikh Hassbullah Abd Halim, who expressed his concern, said the understanding of religious pluralism concept was that all religions had similar values in the eyes of God.
"This is against the Islamic faith and it could lead to disbelief.
"I see the effort to disseminate religious pluralism among Muslims getting more widespread. As Muslims who love their religion, they should act within their own capacity," he told Bernama.
Syeikh Hassbullah said to fight the concept, Muslims in the country should unite and return to the true Islamic path as prescribed by Prophet Mohamad.
Young Scholars Secretariat (Ilmu) working committee chairman, Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya said pluralism was an understanding which adopted extreme tolerant attitude based on western perspective.
"I am waiting for the National Fatwa Council to issue a clear fatwa (edict) on the understanding for Muslims to refer to," he said.
He said the fatwa need to be implemented with strict religious action and enforcement to eradicate such ills effectively.
National Mosque Imam Azhar Tuarno said the younger generation should be careful with the concept of freedom, especially involving the Islamic faith.
He said this was in view of the development of borderless technology now which enabled communications among people to be easier and more liberal.
#Datuk Syeikh Hassbullah Abd Halim #fathul bari mat jahaya #Malaysia #Muslim