Ipoh's well known People’s Park which is strategically located in the city became a talk of town recently following allegations that it is has become sex port for gay men.

The men are said to come to the park after 10.30pm and offer sex service for as low as RM35.

A resident who only wants to be known as Steven, 52, said the activities have been going on since last year.

"They are not new here. They have been here for some time. And they are smart. When they see someone they knew or believe its the police, they would run," he said when met near the park.

"I have seen them in the action, twice. Once in the empty room behind the park and another time at a dark corner of the park," he added.

Checks by Astro AWANI at the park recently found several individuals loitering in the park. Some seemed to be waiting for "customers" while others were seen hugging each other openly.

Upon noticing the Astro AWANI team, the individuals walked away while those who were seen hugging, pulled apart.

But, as the team left the park and entered car, they were seen coming back. The situation happened three times on the same night.

A restaurant worker, Osman Mahadi, 39 said the situation was usual.

“Sometimes I come from my workplace and sit here for a while. I always see these people here. I have never seen them doing the deed but they would usually hug or hold hands," he added.

The city folks are calling on the authorities to take action as 2017 is Visit Perak Year and Ipoh is one of the main attraction of the state.