Instill love for the nation, defend peace and independence - PM

Ogos 30, 2022 13:31 MYT
Only by having a deep sense of love for Malaysia can the various races continue to work together and remain united to defend the nation's peace and independence, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob. - Youtube/Astro AWANI
KUALA LUMPUR: Only by having a deep sense of love for Malaysia can the various races continue to work together and remain united to defend the nation's peace and independence, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said.
In his address in conjunction with National Day tomorrow, which was broadcast over local television stations tonight, the prime minister said this was key in the efforts towards developing Malaysia and safeguarding its sovereignty.
"In the context of brotherhood, relatives are cared for; in the context of family, family members are protected; in the context of community, the community is safeguarded; in the context of a nation, racial unity is key; indeed, we are all one family: Keluarga Malaysia (the Malaysian Family), perpetuator of heritage," he said.
Recalling history, Ismail Sabri reminded Malaysians that the fruits and blessings of independence did not merely fall onto our laps, but was achieved through blood, sweat and tears.
"Many lives were lost, as with damage to property and assets in the pursuit of independence," he said.
Citing the names of Mat Kilau, Datuk Dol Said, Tok Janggut, Datuk Bahaman, Tok Gajah, Rentap, Datuk Maharajalela, Dato' Sagor, Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong, Datu Mat Salleh and Rosli Dhobi, the prime minister said they were among the historical figures who sacrificed themselves for their beloved nation.
"Mat Kilau once called for the younger generation to continue the struggle; not let the nation be forsaken, and not be easily defeated.
"Such spirit must be instilled in the younger generation to remember our national heroes, in addition to guiding our leaders towards the right path according to religious teachings and demands," he said.
He said it was such a fighting spirit and struggles that manifested and paved the way for the 1956 independence talks in London.
"It is these values of independence that successfully went on to foster unity within a diverse Keluarga Malaysia of various races and religions, besides national cultural integration that spans across the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak.
"There are no words that can describe our admiration and gratitude for the sacrifices and struggles of our past national heroes, including members of our security forces - the military and the police," he said.
Moving forward, Ismail Sabri reminded Malaysians that in modern times, colonisation is no more what it was in the colonial era, and said that if the 'rakyat' are disunited and failed to defend the independence won through the heroic struggles of yesteryears, history could repeat itself and the nation may find itself colonised once again.
The prime minister said that even though this new form of colonisation is not physical in nature, it is dangerous nevertheless and the easiest way to plunder (cause damage to) the minds and identity of the people, and go on to destroy a nation.
"This emerging modern era of colonisation which has not spared all nations is colonisation in the fields of economy, technology and culture. These external elements apply various sophisticated methods to recolonise.
National Day is back to being celebrated on a grand scale this year after the nation was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, thus allowing the 'rakyat' to physically participate in the celebrations.
The National Day celebration will be held at Dataran Merdeka, here, starting as early as 7 am tomorrow, and it will be graced by Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah.
In paying homage to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the prime minister said His Majesty is the protector of the nation who unites the people regardless of race, religion and political leaning.
"Alhamdullilah (Praise be to God), this year, Keluarga Malaysia nationwide will have the opportunity to celebrate National Day on a grand scale as one harmonious and prosperous society," he said.
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