I may continue as MIC president even after my term ends in 2016 - Palanivel

September 1, 2013 20:34 MYT
Newly-elected MIC president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel today announced he might continue to hold the president's post even after his term ends in 2016.
"I have received overwhelming support in the nomination today. I had 617 nominations or 96 per cent support from branch chairmen for the post. This is a good sign and a good beginning for me.
"More than 3,000 branch chairmen want me to continue being the president. I will make a decision in 2016. I also feel like retiring but the branch chairmen are forcing me to continue," he told reporters after he was announced eighth MIC president at the party headquarters here today.
Earlier, MIC presidential election steering committee head Tan Sri K. Kumaran announced that Palanivel won the party presidency unopposed, and garnered 617 nominations, well above the 50 nominations required.
However, Palanivel stressed that he would prefer to focus on strengthening the party's status, in terms of financial capacity and membership, in the next three years.
Commenting further, the natural resources and environment minister outlined few agendas to uplift the party, in terms of social, economic, educational and sports development.
He said he would ask Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to announce a special allocation in the 2014 Budget, among others for temples and business purposes to help the low income group comprising 30 per cent of the Indian community.
With a view to attract more youth, women and non-governmental organisation members into the party fold, Palanivel said he would rope in between 600 and 700 members.
Meanwhile, he said that MIC had identified a piece of land to build a new 12-storey party headquarters.
Asked whether he would have his line-up for the other national posts deputy president, three vice-presidents and 23 central working committee members scheduled for the November election, Palanivel said:
"We will allow a freedom of contest. Everyone can contest. But, I will also know how to bring my line-up. Many will contest for the vice-president posts. I will have to look very carefully."
#MIC #Palanivel