A horse and a sun bear were found dead at the Melaka Zoo, believed to have been poisoned.

The two mammals were at their barns when the visitors noticed them dead.

The zoo's veterinary officer Dr Zubaidah Kamarudin, said the female bear around 14 to 16 years of age, died at 5pm on Sunday whereas the 17-year-old horse, was found dead at 7am today.

She said a post-mortem showed traces of poison from the fruits inside the animals’ body.

“The food samples found inside the stomach of the animals from an autopsy sent to the chemistry department confirmed the existence of poison,” said Zubaidah.

Early investigations have also found some banana, lime and sugarcane laced with white liquid which was said to be poison.

However, they were not consumed by the animals.

Meanwhile, Melaka chief minister Datuk Seri Ali Rustam who visited the zoo said the act was unethical.

He said stern action will be taken as well as the installation of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras.

Visitors will also not be allowed to bring any outside food to the zoo.