Health ministry mulls over compulsory health screening

Februari 9, 2014 08:29 MYT
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya. --File Photo
The Health Ministry will propose to the government to make it compulsory for those, aged 30 and above, to undergo health screening in efforts to detect diseases early, especially heart-related problems.
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya said an overall screening could be conducted for free at government hospitals or 1Malaysia clinics.
"Many young people die early due to heart attacks because they are unaware that they have the disease.
Just two days ago at Balik Pulau in my constitunecy, a woman, aged 31, suffered from a heart attack and died. She never realised she had the disease," he told reporters after officiating at the 'Semarak Kasih Cinta Masjid' programme at the compound of Kampung Rawa mosque, here on Saturday.
Dr Hilmi, who is also Balik Pulau Member of Parliament, said, for a start, he would send letters to residents, aged 30 and above, in his area to undergo health screenings at Balik Pulau Hospital and 1Malaysia clinics that are located at Balik Pulau, near here.
On another issue, he said his ministry would continue operating 64 clinics throughout the country until 12 mid-night in the wake of the dengue fever problem that was increasingly worrying.
He said the ministry would take various steps to contain the spread of dengue fever and hoped that the people would assist the government in view of the serious increases in dengue cases reported.
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