Health Ministry to clamp down on vaping

November 3, 2015 11:02 MYT
A nationwide campaign will be carried out by the Health Ministry soon to curb the use of liquid containing unlicensed nicotine in vapourisers.
The Health Ministry is to clamp down on vaping.
Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said a nationwide campaign would be carried out soon to curb the use of liquid containing unlicensed nicotine in e-cigarettes.
"The e-cigarettes with the liquid will be confiscated," he said at a press conference on Healthy Eating Campaign in conjuction with Deepavali here today.
"It (the campaign) will be a continuous process within the law. We will use the Poisons Act 1952 and Food Act 1983."
He declined to elaborate, saying: "We'll hold another press conference on this later."
Under the Poisons Act, nicotine is deemed as a category C poison that could only be sold or supplied as dispensed medicine or an ingredient in dispensed medicine by licensed practitioners.
Nicotine in tobacco is exempted from the Act as tobacco control is regulated under the Food Act.
Dr Subramaniam advised people not to use e-cigarettes, saying that vaping was harmful to their health.
E-cigarettes, personal vapourisers or electronic nicotine delivery systems are battery-powered vapourisers that simulate the feeling of smoking, but without the tobacco combustion.
Meanwhile, on Deepavali which will be celebrated on Nov 10, Dr Subramaniam advised the Indian community to reduce foods that are rich in fats and sugar.
He recommended that they consume more greens and fruits of change to a vegetarian diet.
"In relation to this we have issued a guidebook on healthy eating titled 'Panduan Makan Secara Sihat Semasa Perayaan Deepavali' (Guide to Healthy Eating During Deepavali) which can be downloaded from my Ministry's website," he said.
He added that he also supported the "Alcohol-Free Deepavali Campaign 2015" organised by several NGOs as studies had shown Indian community spent about RM150 million annually for alcoholic drinks and entertainment.
#Deepavali celebration #Dr Subramaniam #e-cigarettes #Food Act #Health Ministry #Poisons Act #vape #vaping #vapouriser