Hajiji can end Sabah political crises - Analysts

September 30, 2020 09:50 MYT
The selection of Hajiji as the new chief minister showed the consensus and compromise among the components of GRS. - Foto BERNAMA
KOTA KINABALU: The appointment of Datuk Hajiji Noor as the Chief Minister of Sabah was seen as the final whistle to end all the political crises inundating the state, which was turbulent since several months ago.
Picking the Sabah Perikatan Nasional (PN) chairman too eased the stalemate and speculations on the formation of the new state government and the issue of a chief minister who would be heading the Sabah administration for the next term, said several political analysts.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) political analyst Dr Romzi Ationg said the consensus of the elected representatives and party leaders in Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS), encompassing PN, Barisan Nasional (BN) and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), in picking Hajiji as the new chief minister of Sabah was something apt done in the interest of the state.
As such, all quarters should be relieved and happy and back Hajiji in the effort to ensure the pledges and also manifesto of the coalition could be implemented and subsequently realised as best as possible to benefit the people of Sabah, he said.
‘’I am confident Hajiji’s leadership qualities can propel Sabah towards the better with sustainable development in line with the aspiration of the people in the state, on the condition, no more political crisis should take place,’’ he told Bernama.
For Universiti Teknologi Mara Sabah (UiTM) political analyst, Tong Paridi Bagang the selection of Hajiji as the new chief minister showed the consensus and compromise among the components of GRS.
In this regards, the issue of how far Hajiji is capable of heading Sabah should no longer crop up because he had been chosen and appointed as the chief minister, he said.
‘’He must prove his capability to meet all the aspirations of the people. As such, his Cabinet line-up later must be strong, stable and capable of working effectively,’’ he said.
Meanwhile, UMS Sabah Geo-Politics and Electoral Studies (GeOpeS) researcher Dr Syahruddin Awang Ahmad said there was confidence in Hajiji’s capability in bringing Sabah to a level that was aspired by all groups especially the young especially in the aspect of empowering the digital economy.
This is because Hajiji must have surely seen all the changes and demands in today's society that are more geared towards the tastes and atmosphere mobilised by young people, especially in the context of gig economies such as online business, he said.
‘’Besides, Hajiji also has a character as a good listener and is always aware of the affairs in the lives of the people he leads, at the same time striving to meet their wants,’’ he said.
Syahruddin said the Sabah Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) liaison chief was also seen as an authoritative, charismatic and experienced leader and rational in his judgements over any decision and action at the state government level.
He said Hajiji could win the support and endear himself to all the people of various races and religions in Sabah with his leadership qualities and his humility.
Citing the example of the multi-racial and religious Sulaman State Assembly seat, Syahruddin said Hajiji had definitely succeeded in sowing a spirit of togetherness to win the hearts of the people, what more, he had been the incumbent in the constituency since 1990.
‘’It is the norm for Hajiji to go down to the field and to work hard to find out what is being faced by the people in his area.
‘’As such, this is the best and most praiseworthy approach for Hajiji to spearhead the government Sabah and to enable him to be more loved by the people of Sabah as a whole,’’ he said.
Hajiji, who defended the Sulaman seat with a 3,099-vote majority at the 16th Sabah State Election (PRN), took his oath of office before Yang DiPertua Negeri Tun Juhar Mahiruddin at Istana Negeri on Tuesday.
The others who also took their oath were three Sabah Deputy Chief Ministers, namely, Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and Datuk Dr Joachim Gunsalam, other than two State Cabinet minister, namely, Datuk Masidi Manjun who held the post of Finance Minister II cum State Local Government and Housing Minister and Datuk Jahid Jahim as Rural Development Minister of Sabah.
GRS obtained a simple majority to take over the state government administration from Parti Warisan Sabah at the Sabah PRN on Sept 26 after garnering 38 seats from the overall 73 State Assembly seats in the state.
#Hajiji Noor #Sabah #Chief Minister #Perikatan Nasional #Barisan Nasional #PPBM #Gabungan Rakyat Sabah #economy #election #government #crisis #Parti Pribumi Bersatu