KUALA TERENGGANU: The decision by Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA) to contest in Terengganu in the 15th General Election (GE15) is not merely to test the market, said State Parti Pejuang Tanah Air (Pejuang) chief Datuk Wan Nazari Wan Jusoh.

Instead, he said, the Terengganu GTA is targetting to win a few parliamentary seats by fielding eight candidates, comprising professionals and entrepreneurs.

He said with today's uncertain political atmosphere, it would not be impossible for GTA to make a surprise in Terengganu, even though the state is dominated by PAS and UMNO.

"The people of Terengganu have been indoctrinated by these two parties (PAS and UMNO). So, GTA is making its presence to provide an option for young voters who dominate 50 to 60 percent of the electors.

"Our presence (GTA) is not just a 'test market', but to take over several parliamentary seats from PAS and UMNO," he said when met at the filling of the GE nomination forms by GTA candidates at his office here today.

Wan Nazari said like other political parties, GTA would use social media as the main platform to win the support of young voters in the state.

He said leaflets on GTA candidates would also be distributed to the constituents.

GTA is fielding its candidates in all eight parliamentary seats in Terengganu, with four of the candidates from Pejuang.

They are Wan Nazari himself in (Besut), Wan Adnan Wan Ali (Setiu), Rosli Ab Ghani (Kemaman) and Nor Aisah Ab Ghani (Dungun).

The other four candidates Azaha Wahid (Kuala Nerus), Mohamad Abu Bakar Muda (Kuala Terengganu), Zarawi Sulong (Marang) and Mohd Khadri Abdullah (Hulu Terengganu) from Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (PUTRA).