The government would increase the 1Malaysia People's Assistance (BR1M) next year, said Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah today.

He said the increase, to be proposed in the Budget 2014 in October was to fulfill the government's pledge to the people.

According to him, the government was also mulling to include the BR1M as an initiative under the social safety net policy and implement the rationalisation subsidy programme.

"We are looking to increase BR1M as we promised the rakyat. We are looking to increase until maximum RM1,200 probably for four, five years from now. So for next year, we just increase a bit," he told reporters at his Aidilfitri open house here.

Ahmad Husni who is also Tambun MP said the subsidy system should be duly adjusted to ensure that it would really benefit the target group.