Government has many plans for the Indian community

Mac 18, 2013 02:21 MYT
The federal government has various plans to improve the education standard and economy of the Indian community, especially in Selangor, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He said in the field of education, kindergarten classes would be introduced in stages in Tamil national-type schools and increase the intake of Indians into institutions of higher learning and the civil service.
The government had also identified a site in Kapar, Selangor, for the building of a crematorium, he told a gathering of about 50,000 people at the MIC-organised "BN, The People's Choice" gathering at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Meru in Kapar here Sunday night.
Najib said the government had also given an allocation of RM300,000 to the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Methodist Kapar Parents and Teachers' Association to improve facilities, including a new four-storey building, for the school.
If BN is returned to power in Selangor in the coming 13th general election, another 'Little India' would be created at Jalan Tengku Kelana here like being done at Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, he added. He said efforts would also be made to resolve the housing problems of Bukit Raja plantation workers.
Najib said BN would keep the promises it made to the people, unlike the opposition parties.
"The people should learn from the experience of residents in Kampung Buah Pala, Penang where the state government ignored their plight to help defend their land," he added.
Najib, who was overwhelmed by the huge crowd, said it indicated the bright chance of BN winning back the state.
He hoped that the people would give him the mandate so that he could continue to do more for them.
#BN #Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak #government #Indian #kapar #MIC #The People's Choice