Government committed to establish KSCIP - Asyraf

Mei 7, 2017 00:11 MYT
King Salman of Saudi Arabia wanted KSCIP to be established 90 days after his visit to Malaysia, which means in the month of Ramadan (from end May to end June). -Filepix
The government is committed to establish the King Salman Centre for International Peace (KSCIP) within the period prescribed by King Salman Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, said Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister''s Department Datuk Dr Ashraf Wajdi Dusuki.
King Salman of Saudi Arabia wanted KSCIP to be established 90 days after his visit to Malaysia, which means in the month of Ramadan (from end May to end June).
Asyraf said as the KSCIP Establishment Working Committee chairman, his first task was to provide a temporary premise to start operation of the centre.
"We do not do not want to miss the 90-day deadline because issues such as radicalisation, extremism and those tarnishing the good image of Islam, needs urgent attention.
"As advocated by Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Razak) in accordance with the ''wassatiyah'' (moderation) principles recognised by King Salman, it is the best approach to make the people understand the purity of Islam," he said after delivering a keynote address at the Commissioners Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Girl Guides Association of Malaysia, here on Friday.
#King Salman #King Salman Centre for International Peace #KSCIP #Najib Razak