GE15: Voters excited, arrive early at polling centre

November 19, 2022 03:00 MYT
People lined up to vote in the 15th General Election (GE15) at the Hu Yen Seah National Type School polling station, Lorong Madras today. - BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR: The excitement of Malaysians to elect a government in the 15th General Election (GE15) is clearly seen today with electors arriving at their polling centers early, even before the gates open, despite the rain at some places.
Among the early birds are married couple Marita Talib, 54, and husband, Shahruddin Hussin, 62, who arrived at 6.30 am at Sekolah Kebangsaan Agama Dato Omar Yusuf, in Johor Bahru, even though the polling centres only open at 8 am.
In Pahang, electors in the Indera Mahkota parliamentary constituency, especially those who will be exercising their rights at the polling centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Talam took advantage of the fine weather by arriving there as early as 7.25 am.
Although the weather is reported to be good in most areas, it is reported to be raining in some, like in Sembrong (Johor); Bentong (Pahang); Putrajaya, Masjid Tanah (Melaka) and Sibuti, Sarawak.
However, the wet condition did not dampen the excitement of the electors to fulfill their responsibilities. They came out prepared with umbrellas and raincoats.
In Sarawak, electors also arrived early with a long queue already building up at some polling centres, even before they opened at 7.30 am.
Workers from the Election Commission (EC) were also seen, since early morning, making the final preparation to ensure the polling process goes smoothly today.
As announced by the EC, polling centres in the peninsula will open from 8 am, while in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan, from 7.30 am, and will be closed in stages between noon and 6 pm.
#PRU15 #MalaysiaMemilih #pollingday #Election Commission