Gang 24: Police detain three more individuals

April 28, 2017 21:42 MYT
On April 20, two videos showing a group of men believed to be members of the Gang 24 causing disturbance outside a school in Klang went viral on the social media.
Police have detained three more individuals believed to be involved in the activities of the Gang 24 secret society in Klang, yesterday.
Head of the Selangor Criminal Investigation Department Fadzil Ahmat said the three were students aged 16 and 17 years.
"They were detained in arrests made through Op Cantas to track down the remaining members held at 12.40pm in the school compounds.
"A three-day remand order beginning today was issued on them and police are tracking down the leader or mastermind of the gang," he told reporters here today.
Earlier, Fadzil attended the handing-over of duties ceremony to the new Head of the Special Branch Department of the Selangor Contingent Police Headquarters SAC Zulkifli Mohd, witnessed by Selangor Deputy Police Chief Datuk Mohd Fuad Abdul Latiff.
Zulkifli, 58, takes over from ACP Adnan Abdullah who was acting head of the department.
Fadzil said the detention of the three students brings the total number of individuals arrested by the police in connection with the secret society so far to 41.
Those detained will be investigated under Section 143 of the Penal Code.
On April 20, two videos showing a group of men believed to be members of the Gang 24 causing disturbance outside a school in Klang went viral on the social media.
Subsequently, police made several arrests beginning April 21 of the gang members.
#Gang 24 #Klang #secret society #youth