Five focus of Ismail Sabri's media statement today

Fauzi Suhaimi
Disember 19, 2020 12:18 MYT
Senior Minister (Defence Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the inspections involved 7,996 construction sites nationwide.
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 13,977 construction sites were inspected by the Malaysian Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) enforcement personnel for the period from April 20 to December 18.
Senior Minister (Defence Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the inspections involved 7,996 construction sites nationwide.
Here are five main points in the media statement on the Movement Control Order (MCO) today:
1. Enforcement personnel inspected 12 construction sites throughout Malaysia yesterday (Friday, December 18), and all 12 construction sites complied with the prescribed SOP.
2. Overall, the supply of essential goods is sufficient and able to meet the continuous needs of the country and are easily available.
3. In Op Benteng, 46 illegal immigrants (PATI) and 2 skippers were detained, as well as 8 land vehicles confiscated. A total of 118 Roadblocks (SJR) were implemented yesterday.
4. PDRM has arrested 249 individuals for flouting MCO instructions. Of that number, 248 were compounded and 1 remanded.
5. A total of 14,600 premises were sanitized consisting of 2,921 business centres, 1,690 residential areas including PPR, 2,905 public places, 357 supermarkets and 6,727 government buildings.
#construction sites #cidb #5 focus #ismail sabri yaakob #COVID-19 #MCO