Fighting the mutating 'emperor' virus

Media Statement
Mac 4, 2021 16:44 MYT
The ultimate goal is to achieve Herd Immunity to end the pandemic with a MINIMUM of deaths and human suffering (-collateral damage-), which certain -vaccines- may not be able to meet the requirements. REUTERSpic
KUALA LUMPUR: We have been asked to comment on the above shocking story by CNN dated 2 March 2020, which was headlined “All our recent progress with Covid-19 could be wiped out by variants, CDC director says”.
The first two paragraphs (below) may be enough to sum up the CNN article:
The US is at risk of losing all its recent gains in the battle against Covid-19 as highly contagious variants take advantage of Americans getting lax with safety measures.
“Please hear me clearly: At this level of cases with variants spreading, we stand to completely lose the hard-earned ground we have gained,” said Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the US centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Remember the anti-war classic folk song entitled “Where have all the flowers gone”, with a meaningful chorus: “When will they ever learn?”
The US Govt CDC and the other experts have now grudgingly admitted that the variants could wipe out their recent gains and likely to make obsolete the “vaccines” which have already been developed in the US so far. The Pfizer experimental mRNA "vaccine", done in a rush under “Operation Warp Speed” last year, is not only unstable and highly temperature sensitive but it is also sensitive to the mutated variants. It is the first US “vaccine” to be exported around the world.
If only they have taken heed of what Ken Frazier, CEO of Merck, the "Grand Master" & "Gold Standard" of human vaccine development in the world (which developed 4 out of the 7 successful vaccines in world history) had warned in an interview in June 2020 that you could not rush the vaccine development for a highly complex mutating virus that we did not even understand enough. This is based on science.
We are dealing with a “super smart” and “pandemic successful” virus. The first step in solving a big problem is to recognize the complexity and the scale of the problem. When will they ever learn?
Frazier further cautioned that it would take a lot of time and it would be extremely difficult to develop a safe, workable & durable vaccine, which in the true meaning of what a vaccine is supposed to do is to PREVENT YOU FROM BEING INFECTED WITH THE VIRUS AND SPREADING THE VIRUS TO OTHERS and not just to prevent or protect you from getting the symptoms. Getting “protection” from symptoms alone and not the virus is NOT full immunity. Preventing and protecting you from the virus is full immunity.
We have to be honest and not try to kid ourselves on what we are dealing with. This tiny invisible and evasive enemy has wrought such massive havoc in the loss of lives, human suffering and the terrible damages on the economy of many countries and the global economy. It is truly an “emperor” virus.
Of course, we should not give up and we must stay strong. But Frazier warned that rushing the Covid vaccine development process would be risky and dangerous as these have happened in the past before with other vaccine developments.
On 25 January 2021, Merck, as though to vindicate what its CEO had said in June late year, announced that they would be terminating their Covid-19 vaccine development programme. The No 1 vaccine developer in the world was surrendering to this virus in finding a safe and workable vaccine and decided instead, to focus on doing something more feasible - finding treatment or cure for this disease.
Finding a vaccine (to PREVENT infection from a mutating virus) is often so much harder than finding a treatment or cure. It’s like trying to forecast or predict share market or forex movements based on past studies. There would often be many unpredictable unknowns. Vaccine developments involve a lot of trial and error, going back often to the drawing board and redesigning. It would take time.
Safety must always come first before efficacy. No point getting a vaccine 100 percent effective in protecting you from the disease but the vaccine or its by-products would kill you later.
You can use the latest high tech to produce the vaccine at the lab using lightning speed, no problem, but you cannot rush the human clinical trials. The human body is not a digital robot which you can programme to respond faster and it must be given adequate time to respond. The severe side effects including deaths, may not show up during the clinical trials or just after you have taken the vaccine but much later on as vaccines or their broken-down by-products tend to stay in your body for a long time. Often, no one knows for sure how they (vaccine or by-products) would interact in your body to produce any serious side effects, until you find out later.
A certain global pharma firm (with a terrible public record on fraud, illegal trials and corruption) thought they could make some big money quickly (predicted sales of USD 15 billion of Covid vaccine in 2021) by coming out with a “quick fix” preventive vaccine but instead ended up with an unstable and temperature sensitive “experimental” (as defined by US FDA) mRNA product which they have openly acknowledged now that it can only reduce the severity or protect you from the symptoms (yes, it can save lives and reduce hospitalization but at what price and sacrifice?) but it may Not prevent or protect you fully from being infected and transmitting the virus to others. Therefore, it may not be really a vaccine as such.
The new mRNA technology has never been used for human vaccine before. Just like the lipid nanoparticles’ coating (on the unstable mRNA chemical molecule), made of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), which is known to be causing some serious allergic side effects.
The US Government National Institutes of Health (NIH) has confirmed that mRNA is a form of synthetic gene therapy and on one of the NIH websites, it states that this technology “can have very serious health risks, such as toxicity, inflammation and cancer…and some of the risks may be unpredictable…”
Already, there have been countless independent news reports around the world of many unexplained and suspicious deaths and of severe side effects suffered by many thousands of people who have been injected with this mRNA product. The company, as expected, has denied any links to its product. It would be difficult to establish the links and investigations and autopsies may take a long time.
With the new variants, there are serious doubts, as suggested by the CNN article, on whether this “vaccine”, the first in the global market, would work, even if you were to put the safety factor aside.
There are safe and workable vaccines out there, using tried and tested technologies such as using an inactivated or attenuated virus from nature to stimulate your body to produce the anti-body response. Even the adenovirus viral vector technology, which has been tried and tested for Ebola, appears to be safer than mRNA.
There are also other safe and good alternatives such as anti-viral “broad spectrum” drug Ivermectin, which would be able to destroy the new variants. It is important to improve our body immunity against this disease by taking Vitamin C with zinc, Vitamin D, minerals and trace elements needed. Proven traditional and complimentary medicines should also be explored.
Measures to prevent and control the spread of Covid-19, such as social distancing and wearing of face mask in public places, should continue until they are no longer needed.
The ultimate goal is to achieve Herd Immunity to end the pandemic with a MINIMUM of deaths and human suffering (“collateral damage”), which certain “vaccines” may not be able to meet the requirements.

Dato’ Nadzim Johan, Chairman of Coalition on Integrity of Vaccines & Drugs Against Covid-19

Dr Abd Kadir Warsi Mohamad (Phd), Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM)
Captain (Rtd) Dr Wong Ang Peng, Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (PATRIOT)
Commissioner of Police (Rtd) Dato’ Shabudin Abdul Wahab, Covid

#CNN #Rochelle Walensky #CDC #COVID-19 #Ken Frazier #merck #Pfizer #Malaysia #PPIM #Patriot