False Ebola reports on social media an irresponsible act - Dr Subramaniam

Ogos 14, 2014 00:18 MYT
SUBRA: So far there had been no quarantine cases related to the disease. - File Photo
Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam condemned the irresponsible act by some who falsely reported on social media about the alleged existence of an Ebola case in the country, which has triggered fear and panic among the people.
"To kid around on social media, do not use these issues. It must be understood that it will have serious implications," he said adding that the message had a picture of a child with a water bubble on the foot due to Ebola infection, at a press conference before chairing a post-cabinet meeting here on Wednesday.
He said the ministry would lodge a report with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), urging an investigation be carried out and appropriate action taken against individuals who knowingly spread false reports, in order to teach them a lesson.
Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah and deputy director-general of Health (Public Health) Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman also explained via the media that the report was false.
Stressing that the risk of a dangerous virus spreading in the country was very low, he said so far there had been no quarantine cases related to the disease.
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is fatal to humans and primates like monkeys.
Since first detected in three West African countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea in March, Ebola has already claimed more than 1,000 lives.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also issued a directive that those infected with the virus cannot leave the African countries where it is confirmed to have caused a pandemic.
#Dr S. Subramaniam #Ebola #false report #MCMC