Several pages were created on Facebook as the video showing a lady driver in a state of outrage after an elderly man hit her car, continues to pick up steam online.

Using the registration number of her Peugeot 209, CDM25, a page called ‘Kami Benci CDM25’ was created, and to date it already has over 10,000 likes.

Some resourceful Internet users had traced down the woman’s identity through her social media accounts and created more pages calling them, her ‘fanclubs’.

There is even a comedy club page dedicated to the said woman.

The woman’s contact number and workplace has also been made public.

Apart from that internet memes and parodies have been created following the incident.

In the video, uploaded on Monday, the lady expressed her anger in the middle of the road.

Among the words uttered by the lady included “Ini kereta barulah bodoh” while bashing the elderly man’s car with a steering lock.

She also said “I don’t care, pay me RM2,000 now!”, “you very stupid!” and other racial slurs towards the end of the video.

The video has since gone viral and drew negative comments from netizens.

Meanwhile, another group of netizens have urged the public to not overly criticise the woman, as they feel some have gone overboard with their comments.

Many of them said the cyber-bullying towards the woman has to stop.