Exercise caution, self-control during cross-border travel - Ismail Sabri

Rahimah Abdullah
Jun 8, 2020 08:54 MYT
Ismail Sabri is confident that tourism activities will be back to normal and that the public will start bringing families on vacation within the country. - FILEpic
Do not take advantage recklessly of the freedom granted following permission to travel across state borders beginning on Wednesday.
In making the reminder, Senior Minister (Security Cluster), Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob called on the people to practise self-control and adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) while at their hometowns.
"I believe many will return to the village and I hope that even with the permission of state cross-border travel, self-control must be maintained.
"Previously, we have issued an SOP that there could be no more than 20 people in a house. We introduced the SOP for personal and family safety.
"We also made reminders to those over 60 years old and children under 12 years who are of high risk.
"We need to be careful because the possibility of our arrival to meet them will cause COVID-19 infection.
"So even if we are now free, do not take advantage of this freedom to spread infection to others. Self-control, discipline, personal hygiene and social distancing must be continued at all times," he said at a press conference here on Monday.
In fact, Ismail Sabri is confident that tourism activities will be back to normal and that the public will start bringing families on vacation within the country.
"After this, I believe tourism activities will also resume in the country. We expect it to be active again, and I see in the media in less than an hour, 1,000 hotel bookings have been made," he said.
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