Enforcement staff to monitor, curb price manipulation activities

Julai 7, 2013 02:49 MYT
The Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry has deployed 1,845 of its enforcement staff nationwide in conjunction with the anti-price hike operation, dubbed Ops Harga 2013, which was launched today in view of the upcoming Aidilfitri.
The ministry's enforcement division deputy director Ahmad Dahuri Mahmud said the operation was aimed at mornitoring and curbing price manipulation activities among profiteers.
"Monitoring activities and inspections will be carried out in urban and rural areas, as well as other public places, including wet markets, farmers' markets, Ramadan bazaars, supermarkets and food courts," he told reporters after monitoring the prices of consumer goods at the Precinct 8 Public Market here today.
Ahmad Dahuri said the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 compelled all traders to put price tag on each item displayed for sale.
"The price tag should be clear, easy to read, measured correctly using suitable measurement unit, should display the exact price and not misleading," he said.
Traders who fail to comply with these regulations, can be fined up to RM100,000 or imprisonment not more than three years, or compounded up to RM50,000, while the company can be fined a maximum of RM500,000 or compounded up to RM250,000.
#Aidilfitri #Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry #domestic trade #Ops Harga 2013