Either they don't understand or are outright stubborn - IGP

Fareez Azman
Mac 20, 2020 13:21 MYT
Abdul Hamid added that the PDRM would continue to mount roadblocks throughout the country during the duration of the Movement Control Order. - File photo
The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador, has expressed disappointment at seeing some people disobeying the Movement Control Order which has been in force since March 18.
"Among the cars that passed through roadblocks, many brought families, children, wives and mother-in-laws,” he said when met while monitoring roadblocks carried out by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) in several areas in the city today.
“When asked, their purpose of going out is to eat. They appear either they did not understand at all (the reasons for the order to be implemented) or are outright stubborn.
"This kind of group is making the directives of the order seemed not being respected. Just look at the long line of vehicles at the back. I'm sure most of them have no valid reasons to be on the road," he said.
Abdul Hamid added that the PDRM would continue to mount roadblocks throughout the country during the duration of the Movement Control Order.
Earlier, Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob in a press conference explained that the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) would be deployed on Sunday to help police control the movement of the public.
The decision was made after it was discovered that there were still a small number of people who were seen to be defying the government's order to halt the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.
#Abdul Hamid Bador #Movement Control Order #PDRM #roadblocks #Royal Malaysian Police