The culprits whochanelledfalse information on Malaysia to a Saudi Arabian oil company were aiming to destroy the country economically.

MIC treasurer-general, Datuk Seri S.Vell Paari said the heinous act of treason against the country must be condemned by all Malaysians and must never be tolerated.

"This act is a new form of terrorism where these economic saboteurs are trying to destroy the country economically," he said in a statement.

Earlier at Putrajaya, Datuk Seri Najib Razak revealed Malaysia almost lost a huge investment from Saudi Aramco due to the unpatriotic attitude of certain quarters who channelled incorrect information on the country to the Saudi Arabian oil company.

Vell Paari urged the police to take note of the seriousness of the issue based on the Prime Minister's statement.

"These economic saboteurs who provided false information to Saudi Aramco just to sabotage the investment of Saudi Aramco in Malaysia must be caught, investigated, brought to court and charged for their crimes.

"The actionsbythese irresponsible people are tantamount to treason and they shall be charged accordingly for their crimes," he said.