Dr M influenced into attending Bersih 4 rally - Idris Haron

Ogos 31, 2015 23:58 MYT
Idris said the state government strongly condemned the organisers of the Bersih 4 rally in Melaka.
Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron said Monday he believed that the national political situation would deteriorate if action was taken against former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for having attended the Bersih 4 rally in Kuala Lumpur.
He said he also believed that irresponsible people had coaxed or influenced Dr Mahathir by offering inaccurate information based on emotion and perception to lure him to the rally.
"He (Tun Dr Mahathir) has done something unusual (by attending the Bersih 4 rally) and I believe some irresponsible people are behind this," he told reporters after attending the Melaka-level National Day celebration in Bandar Hilir here.
Idris said the state government strongly condemned the organisers of the Bersih 4 rally in Melaka.
#Bersih 4 rally #Dr Mahathir Mohamad #idris haron