KUALA LUMPUR: The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs) hopes that all quarters will not make civil servants' allowance deduction as a reason to attack the government or to provoke controversy.

Its president Adnan Mat said the initiative, which was previously proposed by the congress, was welcomed by all civil servants involved as a manifestation of solidarity in supporting the government's effort to flatten the COVID-19 infection curve.

"Cuepacs believes that most civil servants are actively involved in providing contributions and assistance to the needy, either through non-governmental organisations, zakat collection centres or privately, even if the initiative is not implemented.

"Civil servants who are not involved in this initiative are also contributing to the people and the country, either through money or their energy," he said in a statement today.

Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali today announced that civil servants will contribute a portion of their Fixed Entertainment Allowance (ITK) and Fixed Public Service Allowance (ITKA) to the Disaster Trust Fund Account.

He said contributions from over 800,000 civil servants, not including frontline personnel and those in Grades 1 to 28, were estimated to be more than RM30 million.

The rate for ITK deduction for JUSA A and above is 50 per cent, JUSA B (20 per cent), JUSA C (10 per cent), and Grades 44 to 56 (five per cent), while those from Grade 29 to 41 will get a RM10 deduction from ITKA.