Dining-in at restaurants and eateries in Terengganu is now allowed.

State Local Government, Housing, Health and Environment Committee chairman Dr Alias Razak said the food premises are allowed to open from 7 am to 10 pm.

"However, the operators are required to comply with the standard operating procedure (SOP) set by the Ministry of Health such as social distancing, recording the names and phone numbers of their patrons, and to have their premises disinfected.

"The premises will be monitored by the local authorities in the respective areas and action will be taken against operators who do not adhere to the stipulated regulations,” he told reporters here today.

He said the state government was also considering allowing night markets to be opened soon as a pilot project to gauge the traders’ compliance with the stipulated SOP.

"We plan to have it at an open area at the Gong Badak Stadium to avoid congestion, and also the farmers’ market at Hiliran, but we will discuss with the traders concerned on the SOP.

“If compliance to the SOP at the two places is satisfactory, then we may allow night markets and farmers’ markets in other districts to also open,” he added.