A Johor PAS delegate questioned the delay in tabling the party's post-mortem report on its performance in the 13th General Election (GE13), held six months ago.

Firdaus Masood said the party grassroots had been hoping that the report would be out before the PAS Muktamar but they had yet to receive it.

Debating on the party president's policy speech at the 59th PAS Annual Muktamar here Saturday, he also proposed that the party appoint a spokesman at the national and state level in Pakatan Rakyat to ensure that PAS' policies and progammes would be clearly explained right down to the grassroots.

"Now too many leaders are making statements on matters, causing confusion among the party members," he said.

Firdaus also suggested that PAS set up an independent think tank comprising technocrats, PAS veterans, professionals and ulama to also serve as a pressure group for the party's central leadership.