The Road Transport Department on Thursday issued a warning that firm action would be taken against Dego Ride service providers, including seizing their motorcycles.

RTD Enforcement Division director Datuk V. Valluvan Veloo said they understood the motorcycle taxi operator will be back in operation despite the warnings and summonses that were issued.

"I issue a warning that this time we will not issue a summon but will seize their (operators) motorcycles. Now we have identified over 6,000 operators who have registered and I understand they want to resume operations.

"Two weeks ago we only issued summons, but this time we will seize the motorcycles," he said at a press conference at the closing ceremony of the RTD First Aid Course Series 2/2017 here on Thursday.

Last week, the Transport Ministry ordered the 'Dego Ride' services to be stopped immediately for safety reasons and the operating licence for the service operator had not been issued for the time being.

Valluvan said police are conducting investigations into the operation and a statement had been taken from Dego Ride chief executive officer, Nabil Feisal Bamadhaj, on Tuesday.

"So far we have issued three summons and we have identified active 'Dego Ride' operations in the Klang Valley and that they get their clients via WhatsApp," he said. -- Bernama