Defamation suit filed by Petronas chairman's daughter against Tony Pua resolved

November 12, 2013 15:47 MYT
A defamation suit filed by a daughter of Petronas chairman Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan and her husband against Petaling Jaya Utara Member of Parliament (MP) Tony Pua (pic) over statements relating to the Feed-in Tariff system application and approval was resolved at the High Court here Tuesday.
In October last year, Todd Michael Morath, 45, and wife, Suzi Suliana Mohd Sidek, 35, filed the suit against Pua Kiam Wee, better known as Tony Pua, over media statements published on the DAP website on several occasion in July last year.
High Court judge Datuk Hue Siew Kheng recorded a consent order after both parties reached a compromise to resolve the matter.
Pua, in his clarification statement read out in open court said he did not mean to disparage the character of, or allege any wrong-doing by Suzi Suliana and her husband and/or to Mohd Sidek, the former chief secretary to the Government.
He said he wished to re-emphasise that his statements were at a material time directed against Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Seda) on issues relating to the Feed-In Tariff application and approval process which he believed were made in public interest in his capacity as an MP.
"For avoidance of doubt, I retract all insinuations of undue or preferential treatment, foul play and/or favouritism against Suzi Suliana, Todd and Mohd Sidek that may have been suggested in my statements," he said.
Pua said in recognition of the matter, he would qualify all his statements as published on the internet with reference to his clarification statement which would be appended as a note to the same.
He also said he would remove all comments made by visitors to his blog that concerned the couple and Mohd Sidek, in relation to his statements.
Ooi Huey Miin represented Todd and his wife while Gobind Singh Deo acted for Pua.
The plaintiffs in their statement of claim said as a consequence of the publication of the statements, their reputation was seriously damaged and they had suffered considerable distress and embarrassment.
Todd, Suzi Suliana and Mohd Sidek were present in court.
#Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan #Todd Michael Morath #Tony Pua