Deepavali: PR1MA defers selection of housing units

Oktober 26, 2016 01:08 MYT
MIC Youth chief had previously urged PR1MA to defer the selection of PR1MA housing units. - BERNAMApic/Files
The selection of PR1MA housing units scheduled on Oct 29 in Kampar, Perak, has been deferred due to the Deepavali festival.
"We respect all major festivals celebrated by Malaysians and appreciate the diversity of cultures that make up the PR1MA community," said PR1MA Corporation Malaysia in a statement last night.
The MIC Youth had urged PR1MA to defer the event scheduled at Hotel Grand Kampar, Perak, on Oct 29, which is Deepavali day.
Its chief, C. Sivarraajh said he was surprised by PR1MA's insensitivity to conduct the selection of housing units on Deepavali day. -- Bernama
#affordable homes #affordable housing #mic youth #perumahan rakyat 1malaysia #PR1MA