Debris found on Australian island not MH370 - ATSB

Jun 22, 2016 20:30 MYT
MH370, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, had 239 people on board when it vanished on March 8, 2014.
Debris found on an Australian island earlier this month is not from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, said Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).
ATSB said aircraft manufacturer, Boeing, confirmed it after the investigator had recovered the part and examined it.
"On 9 June 2016, the ATSB was advised of possible aircraft debris located on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. The ATSB recovered the part and examined it, in conjunction with Malaysian authorities and Boeing.
"Information received from the manufacturer indicates that the item is not consistent with the manufacturing specifications of a Boeing commercial aircraft.
"As such, the ATSB has assessed that the item is not related to the safety investigation or on-going search for MH370," ATSB said on its website Wednesday.
Earlier this month, it was reported that new pieces of debris have been found in Madagascar by a man searching for parts of the missing aircraft.
MH370, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, had 239 people on board when it vanished on March 8, 2014.
#ATSB #Australian Transport Safety Bureau #MAS #MH370