Customs arrest Fijian woman at klia2, seize methampethamine

Januari 26, 2015 16:56 MYT
Customs Department arrested a foreign woman at klia2 in Sepang yesterday for attempting to smuggle drugs into the country. -Filepix
The Royal Malaysian Customs Department arrested a foreign woman at the KL International Airport 2 (klia2) in Sepang yesterday for attempting to smuggle drugs into the country.
KLIA Customs director Datuk Chik Omar Chik Lim said they seized 1.51 kg of methampethamine valued at RM287,850 from the 26-year-old Fijian national.
"The drugs were hidden in a luggage bag of the woman who had flown in from Hong Kong. The drugs were seized at 5.45 pm.
"When the bag was scanned at klia2, it was noticed that it contained what looked like crystalline powder suspected to be methampethamine stuffed into a special compartment. The woman was then held," he told reporters after the 33rd World Customs Day celebration at the National Audit Academy in Bandar Enstek near here.
Chik Omar said the woman was being held under remand for seven days for the investigation under Section 39(B) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
#Chik Omar Chik Lim #Customs Department #drugs #KLIA2 #methampethamine