COVID-19: Over 90 per cent Malaysians agree government doing a good job - Survey

April 10, 2020 19:55 MYT
According to the survey, most Malaysians are supportive of total quarantine or self-isolation measures under the Movement Control Order (MCO).
More than 90 per cent of Malaysians strongly agree that the government and its officials are doing a very good job in containing the spread of COVID-19 in the country.
A recent survey conducted by a market research company IPSOS indicated that national health organisations (94 per cent), the government (91 per cent) as well as local and regional health authorities (91 per cent) had taken effective measures to control the spread of the virus.
The World Health Organization is also perceived to be 86 per cent effective.
However, only 78 per cent of businesses in Malaysia perceived that efforts carried out by the government and its officials were effective, according to the research.
The survey also revealed that 63 per cent of Malaysians did not think the media’s coverage on the virus outbreak was exaggerated, while 37 per cent disagreed.
The survey added that those who believed the media had exaggerated the reports on COVID-19 were those under 35, with lower income and lower education levels.
According to the survey, most Malaysians are supportive of total quarantine or self-isolation measures under the Movement Control Order (MCO).
“Only five per cent think that it’s an over-reaction, total quarantine is excessive and will not solve the outbreak problem,” it said.
The survey also said that there was a fairly strong optimism that things would return to normalcy by June.
“A total of 68 per cent of Malaysians share the view… the majority are from the lower-income segment and younger group,” according to the survey.
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