Citizenship status of Siti Aishah

Zan Azlee
November 29, 2013 23:57 MYT
Malaysian High Comissioner to the United Kingdom Datuk Seri Zakaria Sulong is convinced that Siti Aishah is Malaysian, but in order to make the process of identifying her status easier, hopes that some
form of documentation still exists, either in the form of an expired passport, old national identification card or birth certificate.
He says that Siti Aishah's status is most probably of an illegal stayer who has documents such as passport and visa that might have expired a long time ago.
During the meeting between Siti Aishah and her sister Kamarmahtum Abdul Wahab as well as representatives from the Malaysian High Comission, no discussion of citizenship came up because it was more of an emotional reunion between two siblings.
But Datuk Seri Zakaria is certain that when the right time comes, this will be something that the High Comission will look into and provide the necessary assistance.
#citizenship #London #SITI AISHAH #slavery #Zakaria Sulong