The relevant authorities and the community must take proactive measures to address the issue of the homeless said the Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail.

Syed Faizuddin said variousprogrammesand initiatives must be taken, including building transit homes and patrolling areas frequented by the homeless, so that help can reach them.

He said more transit homes for the homeless must be set up to ensure the welfare of the group.

Such homes can be set up by the government or non-governmentalorganisationsto provide food and act as a platform to reform the homeless so that they too can lead a normal life like others.

"We can also improve or change the lifestyle of the homeless by identifying their talent orskills althoughmany among the homeless are not highly qualified.

"If we can find jobs that are suitable for them, it will be a big help," he told reporters after taking part in the 'Good Will Walk: Walk To Feed, Malaysia Food Bank 2017' charityprogrammehere Sunday with Raja Puan Muda Perlis Tuanku Hajah Lailatul Shahreen Akashah Khalil.

The 11km charity walk carrying the slogan 'RecogniseThe Human Race As One' started at the Galeri DiRaja Arau and ended at the Sikh Temple here. - BERNAMA