Bersih 5.0 yet to fullfill rally prerequisites - IGP

Astro Awani
November 8, 2016 14:53 MYT
Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar says, if Bersih 5.0 organiser proceeds with the assembly, it would be an offence of failure to give notice under PAA 2012.
The Bersih 5.0 group has yet to fulfill the prerequisites to organise any gathering on Nov 19, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said today.
The Inspector-General of Police said the officers-in-charge of Dang Wangi and Brickfields police headquarters did receive notices from the organiser but both notices failed to comply with the prerequisites of the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA) 2012.
"Among others, both notices stated Dataran Merdeka as the venue for the assembly, but no consent letter from the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur was produced as required under Section 10 (C) and Section 11 of the PAA 2012," he said in a statement.
Khalid was responding to an article titled 'Semua sudah dipatuhi, Bersih 5 Diteruskan' published by an online portal today which stated that Bersih 5.0 would proceed with the rally as it had fulfilled the prerequisites of PAA.
"To date, no notice regarding the change of venue has been submitted to the police," he said.
Since no consent letter was obtained, Khalid said, the group was believed to have decided to hold the assembly outside Dataran Merdeka.
"If the organiser proceeds with the said assembly, it would be an offence of failure to give notice under PAA 2012.
"The organiser is also bound by the same procedure in organising Bersih convoy," he added.
#Bersih 5.0 #Khalid Abu Bakar #Peaceful Assembly Act