Be grateful, for peaceful and harmonious Hari Raya - Raja Nazrin

Ogos 8, 2013 04:06 MYT
Muslims in Malaysia should be grateful for being able to celebrate Aidilfitri in peace and harmony compared to other Muslim communities around the world, said Regent of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.
The festive atmosphere here is such a contrast from the strife torn situation faced by Muslims in Egypt and Syria, and the oppression and abuse experienced by the community in Palestine and Myanmar, he said.
"Allah has showered us with many blessings. How great is it that we can celebrate Syawal in peace and harmony. We should pray more as a sign of appreciation for the bounty we have received," he said in his Aidilfitri 1434H message.
He further urged all Muslims to say a prayer of gratitude to Allah for blessing them with the health and courage to complete fasting throughout Ramadan.
He noted with satisfaction that family values were instilled well in Malaysians as reflected by the efforts to gather in their hometowns with loved ones and neighbours.
"The unique practice of Aidilfitri open houses is made merrier by our multi-racial guests. This is a celebration which strengthens unity and adds variety to Malaysia's colourful culture," he added.
He praised the sacrifices made by various agencies such as the police, army, fire and rescue personnel, hospital staff, prisons' staff and Immigration and Customs Department who had to work throughout the festive season.
"We are grateful to the people in the transport sector, media practitioners, hotel and restaurant staff and other service sectors who are working hard while others are enjoying Aidilfitri with their families," he said.
Raja Nazrin and the Raja Puan Besar of Perak Tuanku Zara Salim recorded their heartfelt appreciation to these groups and their families who also had to spend Aidilfitri without their loved ones.
"I pray that the people will continue to strengthen family values and neighbourliness, with the hope that there is further harmony and understanding among Malaysia's multi-racial society," he added.