All entities under the Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) have been urged to beef up cyber security to protect themselves against hackers.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Wilfred MadiusTangauin a statement on Tuesday said the step was necessary in the wake of the Anonymous hacker group making threats about hacking into the systems of these entities.

"As the ministry responsible for ensuring Malaysia's cyberspace is secure against cyber threats, MOSTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) through CyberSecurity Malaysia and MIMOS Berhad (MIMOS) is continuing to take proactive measures in combating cyber threats," he said.

CyberSecurityMalaysia provides technical support to 10 sectors under the CNII, namelydefenceand security; finance and banking; information and communication; energy; water; transportation; health; food and agriculture; government services and emergency services, as contained in the National Cyber
Security Policy.

MIMOS as an ICT research and development agency also develops advanced technology to protect IT infrastructure inorganisationsto ward off cyber attacks and also tracksmovementof leaked sensitive documents or information incyber space.

Members of the public are urged to report incidents of cyber attacks to the relevant authorities or Pusat Bantuan Cyber999 via e-mail to