Initial investigation revealed that none of the Malacca Zoo's employees and workers were involved with the poisoning of a sun bear and a stallion last Sunday.

Malacca deputy CID chief, Supt P.R Gunarajan, when contacted by Astro Awani, said initial police investigation found that the incident does not have any ‘inside job’ involvement.

“We believed it was conducted alone and from the time being, our investigation did not found any involvement of the zoo’s staff,” said Gunarajan.

The CCTV’s footage also found the incident was done by an individual.

On early Wednesday morning, police arrested a 56-year old businessman at a housing estate in Kulai, Johor who is suspected to have poisoned the animals.

According to Gunarajan, the motive of the incident is believed to be a personal vendetta between suspect and Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) officers.

It was believed that it started back in 2011, when Perhilitan seized many animals from a zoo in Kulai which owned by the suspect.

The seizure of the animals was due to the negligence on the animals and all the animals were taken to Malacca Zoo to be keep.

It is also learnt that the suspect poisoned the animals after he discovered that the animals that were seized from his zoo were allegedly died.

The suspect then went to the zoo and brought along several fruits which was mixed with poison before feeding the bear and the stallion.

Autopsy result from both animals found that the animals was died due to poison and the zoo’s administration also found several fruits that was mixed with poison in chimpanzee and orang utan cage.

The suspect have been remanded until Saturday to facilitate the investigation.