Al-Azhar graduates perform noble duties as scholars - PM

April 7, 2022 21:12 MYT
Ismail Sabri said graduates of Egypt's Al-Azhar University in Malaysia have formed a continuous network between the university and its alumni and have been entrusted to carry the Al-Azhar concept of 'Ummatan Wasata' or 'Wasatiyyah'. - BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR: Graduates of Egypt's Al-Azhar University in Malaysia have formed a continuous network between the university and its alumni and have been entrusted to carry the Al-Azhar concept of 'Ummatan Wasata' (middle community) or 'Wasatiyyah' (moderate philosophy) in discharging their scholarly duties.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the effort provides benefits to the propagation of the Islamic teachings, empowerment of Manhaj Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah and is a strategic network for the government in the interest of the religion, country and ummah (people).
According to the prime minister, Al-Azhar scholars are renowned for having various knowledge but they remain humble and have a moderate stance, besides being the focus and reference in the field of religion and are recognised as natural and are respectable.
"Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif university is a religious institution that has produced thousands of religious scholars who are advocating the Wasatiyyah Islamic school of thought in tackling extremism and fanaticism around the world.
"May Allah SWT protects Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif and the adopters of its manhaj (methodology)," he said in a virtual speech delivered during the World Al-Azhar Day celebration here today.
Ismail Sabri said the Al-Wasatiyyah concept espoused by the university has been proven against the challenges of extremism and terrorism that could destroy the country and be harmful to Muslims.
He said the concept is in line with the call in Quran to create a society that is open and tolerant of each other, especially in a multicultural country such as Malaysia, adding that the concept is in line with the Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family) concept which is inclusive that cuts across religious, racial and ethnic boundaries.
"The establishment of Islamic education institutions in the world, especially in Malaysia, is the result of the education curriculum founded by the previous Al-Azhar University manhaj which is far ahead in the field of education or Tarbiyyah Islamiah.
"The Al-Azhar manhaj is proven to be able to protect the aqidah (belief) of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah from other ideologies such as Khawarij, Muktazilah, Syiah, Salafi, Zahiriyyah, Batiniyyah, Takfiriyyah, liberalism, pluralism and few others that have emerged in this modern age," he said.
He said Al-Azhar rejected the practice of accusing other Muslims as infidels which were deemed to be the cause of disunity among Muslims, thus impeding the development of the ummah.
Ismail Sabri said the excellence of Al-Azhar, including its great teachers, integrated education curriculum and the Wasatiyyah concept, should be utilised by Muslims in Malaysia in building a knowledgeable generation that is excellent in this world as well as in the hereafter.
"I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif World Day, may Al-Azhar continue to achieve excellence and glory," he said.
On World Al-Azhar Day, he said the event was significant to Muslims in Malaysia who were indebted to the university for its contributions to education and Islamic thinking, adding that the celebration also strengthened bilateral relations between Malaysia and Egypt in various fields, especially in education.
Ismail Sabri said it was understood that about 7,000 Malaysian students are currently studying at the university, making it the largest group of international students.
"Therefore, appreciation should be given to Al-Azhar Al-Syarif especially Fadhilah Al-Imam Al-Akbar Sheikh Al-Azhar, Prof Dr Ahmad Muhammad Al-Tayyeb for educating Malaysian students.
"Alhamdulillah, for your information, Al-Imam Al-Akbar was selected as the Maal Hijrah Personality in 2020," he said.
Also present during the celebration were Senior Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Idris Ahmad and the Ambassador of Egypt to Malaysia Ragai Tawfik Said Nasr.
#ismail sabri yaakob #Al-Azhar University #graduates #entrusted to carry #'Ummatan Wasata' #scholarly duties #English News