SEREMBAN: The Kenduri Sekampung (Village Feast) programme organised in conjunction with the Malaysian Family Aspiration Tour (JAKM) will serve traditional Negeri Sembilan cuisine and some 20,000 visitors are expected to be at the venue at Sekolah Menengah Palong 7 this Saturday.

Jempol Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Mohd Salim Mohd Sharif said the special thing about the event is most of the food served would be prepared by the villagers themselves through a gotong-royong.

"Come join in the programme because apart from daging masak lompap, daging salai and rendang maman, we will also be serving gulai kawah, masak lemak cili api, sup periuk besar and several other dishes to our guests," he said during an interview on RTM's Selamat Pagi Malaysia (SPM) programme.

Mohd Salim, who is also Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (RISDA) chairman said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob is expected to be present to further enliven the event which is scheduled to start at 11am.

He said Jempol is one of the largest districts in Negeri Sembilan which has five sub-districts namely Serting Ilir, Jelai, Kuala Jempol, Rompin and Serting Ulu with a total population of about 150,000.

He said a majority of the residents are involved in the agricultural sector as rubber smallholders or work in the oil palm plantation, orchards and various other basic agricultural industries adding that the AKM programme would be able to contribute to further growth in terms of economy, basic infrastructure, and improve the well-being of the people.

"In addition, Jempol is also famous for several interesting food and agrotourism destinations such as Serting Ulu Waterfall, Berhulu Camp and Teratak Za'aba as well as other recreational parks which have preserved their flora and fauna," he said.

He said the presence of thousands of visitors to the Negeri Sembilan AKM tour and other tourist attractions in Jempol is set to improve the economic and social activities of the rural communities and further boost various business sectors.