Adults welcome clear blue skies, school kids want haze back

T K Letchumy Tamboo
Jun 28, 2013 11:10 MYT
After more than a week of ‘wheezing’ their way through the hazy air, Malaysians welcomed what they took for granted not too long ago - clear blue skies.
Not even one area in the Department of Environment’s Air Pollution Index (API) recorded unhealthy readings as at 2pm today.
This is a far cry from just days ago when visibility in most areas in the country was very poor due to the smog and many schools were forced to close.
The fresh air and blue skies seem to put most Malaysians in a jovial mood as many of them, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, took to the social media to share their joy.

Glad to see the haze situation improving throughout Malaysia. Clear skies finally in view again.

— Mohd Najib Tun Razak (@NajibRazak) June 27, 2013
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Welcome back blue sky and clean air! #haze #malaysia

— Gertjan Tijms (@GertjanT) June 28, 2013
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Beautiful #friday #eastin #hotel #malaysia #damansara #blue #sky

— Fhonsekha (@Fhonsekha) June 28, 2013
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if there's one thing I would want to thank god so badly today, it would be for the haze-free clear blue sky and the clean air.

— Furrrrhunnaah (@frhnazee) June 28, 2013
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However, school children who were excused from attending their classes after most schools in the country were closed due to the haze, appeared grumpy as the air clears up.

Zzz haze please come la. I dw to go school sia.

— Stella Chan (@wildgurlxx_) June 28, 2013
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Haze please come back , I dont want school .

— 290200✝ (@hereisphyllis) June 28, 2013
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R.I.P cuti jerebu

— - (@harithxdanial) June 26, 2013
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jerebu dtg balik pls i dont want to school

— (@_iF4) June 26, 2013
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God today will be last school holiday yeah i mean like harini last cuti jerebu oh y y yy

— Ena (@AinaaShm) June 25, 2013
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Come back jerebu, come back. Let's not go to school and be dumb. I've already failed in life so what's the use of school?

— Puteri. (@PuteriTeja) June 25, 2013
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All schools in the country which were closed due to the bad haze were reopened yesterday.
#blue skies #haze #Malaysia