95 compounded, three remanded for breaching RMCO

September 30, 2020 09:20 MYT
Ismail Sabri said that from July 24 until yesterday, 37,452 individuals have returned to Malaysia and, of the total, 8,144 individuals were undergoing compulsory quarantine in 67 hotels and 11 other premises. - Foto BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 98 individuals were arrested for violating the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) yesterday, with 34 of them for indulging in pub and night club activities, said Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
He said among the other offences committed included not adhering to physical distancing (24 cases), not wearing face masks (22), failure to settle quarantine charges (10) and failure to provide facilities for recording details of customers (eight).
“Of the 98 arrested, 95 were compounded and three others remanded,” he said in a statement today.
He said that 34 illegal immigrants and four smugglers were also detained under Ops Benteng yesterday, with 84 roadblocks mounted by several enforcement agencies.
Meanwhile, he said that special checks by the enforcement unit of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) yesterday found a total of 1,186 business premises complied with the standard operating procedure (SOP) while 18 premises were let off with advice for non-compliance.
Ismail Sabri said that from July 24 until yesterday, 37,452 individuals have returned to Malaysia and, of the total, 8,144 individuals were undergoing compulsory quarantine in 67 hotels and 11 other premises, including the Public Training Institutions (ILA) as well as private higher education institutions nationwide.
He said 106 individuals were sent to hospitals for treatment and 29,202 were allowed to return home.
“They had returned from 33 countries, namely the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, Laos, Qatar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, India, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Taiwan, China, United Kingdom, Holland, Papua New Guinea, Egypt, Spain, France, Australia, New Zealand and the United States,” he said.
#ismail sabri yaakob #SOP #RMCO #illegal immigrants #COVID-19 #Ops Benteng