543 officers, firefighters in Melaka receives COVID-19 vaccine injection

Shuhada Abdul Kadir
Mac 3, 2021 05:57 MYT
The front line personnel involved received injections at 10 fire stations simultaneously throughout the state. Astro AWANI pic
AYER KEROH: The Melaka state-level COVID -19 Immunization Program continued with a total of 543 officers and members of the state Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) receiving vaccine injections starting today.
State JBPM director, Abu Obaidat Mohamad said, the front line personnel involved received injections at 10 fire stations simultaneously throughout the state.
“In the first session of the first injection, in Melaka Tengah alone, a total of 246 officers and members started receiving injections where the Deputy Director of JBPM State, R. Saiful R. Hassan became the first individual, as I had received the injection with the Chief Minister of Melaka yesterday.
"Next, we will move to the station in other districts in stages and we believe that this vaccine injection can inspire members who work as frontline officers to fight COVID-19 in the state.
"As we know, firefighters are involved in building sanitation work and so on, so we believe this injection can make them more confident to carry out their duties during the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.
He said this when met while reviewing the vaccine injection process involving officers and members from the JBPM Melaka State Headquarters, here, today.
Yesterday, the Chief Minister of Melaka, Datuk Seri Sulaiman Md Ali became the first individual in the state to receive injections through the COVID-19 National Immunization Program at the state level which started yesterday.
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