50 per cent of students carry handphone to school - Tajul

Januari 5, 2015 04:42 MYT
He said the handphones should be solely for the purpose of sending short messages and making calls, not the smartphones with varied functions.
The chairman of the State Committee on Education, Transportation and Works, Datuk Tajul Urus Mat Zain has suggested that handphones with only the basic functions be allowed to be carried by students to schools.
He said the handphones should be solely for the purpose of sending short messages and making calls, not the smartphones with varied functions.
"Nowadays, there are countries that allow students to take their phones to school but the type of phones are basically for receiving and making calls and there are companies offering simple phones with just these functions.
"I feel with the current security situation and danger lurking everywhere, the handphone would come in handy when a student is in need of help," he said.
"If we take a peek at schools today, I believe we will find that out of 1,000 students, 50 percent of them take along their handphones to school, eventhough it is against the rule," he said.
Yesterday, Tajul issued a statement requesting the Ministry of Education (KPM) to reconsider the use of handphones in schools in view of current need and demand.
Speaking to Bernama, Tajul said he was for students using the basic handphones in school solely for the purpose of sending short messages and making calls, not the smartphones with varied functions.
"In any case it is up to the school to lay down the conditions, to ensure that the privilege is not abused," he said.
He urged the public to look at the matter positively as several Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) were not in favour of the proposal for fear of disrupting students' attention during lessons in class.
#handphones #Tajul Urus Mat Zain