33 gov't departments, agencies have signed corruption-free pledge - Sarawak MACC

Oktober 5, 2017 13:55 MYT
IBR was an initiative which emphasised on voluntary integrity pledges made by organisation leaders and staff, in their personal capacity. - FIle photo
A total of 33 government departments and agencies in the state including the Sarawak Football Association (FAS) have signed the Corruption-Free Pledge (IBR).
Sarawak Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) director-general Datuk Badrul Shah Norman said IBR was an initiative which emphasised on voluntary integrity pledges made by organisation leaders and staff, in their personal capacity.
"Today, the Sarawak Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) was the latest agency to sign the IBR.
"Alhamdulillah, everything has gone smoothly, the Sarawak MACC is very grateful to Sarawak LKIM for signing the IBR. In addition to the IBR pledge-taking and signing ceremony today, Sarawak MACC conducted a membership-drive campaign for the Sahabat Gerakan Revolusi Antirasuah (GERAH)," he said.
He was speaking to reporters after witnessing 100 Sarawak LKIM officers led by director Kusuadi Sallih, sign and take the IBR pledge here, today.
Earlier in his speech, Badrul Shah said Sarawak LKIM clearly demonstrated sincerity, work commitment and a desire to serve in a conducive and corruption-free environment.
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