The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is set to call five ministries over weaknesses highlighted in the second series of the Auditor-General's Report 2013, tabled at the Parliament Monday.

PAC chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said the five ministries are the Education Ministry, Finance Ministry, the Federal Territories Ministry, Communications and Multimedia Ministry and the Home Ministry.

"In terms of the amount of losses and the type of mistakes highlighted, the problem was more of management weaknesses than leakages and abuse of power," he told a media conference at the Parliament.

Meanwhile, he urged the government, especially the Finance Ministry to review the finances and functions of all government-linked companies (GLC) and government-owned companies ‎(GOC) following the weaknesses highlighted in the report.

"For example, in the AG's Report, Felda and Felcra have procurement problems that should not have happened, and we don't understand why it still happens.

"We want the Finance Ministry to review the total population of GLCs, whether they are still relevant and whether or not they are still fulfilling all their objectives," Nur Jazlan said.

He added that PAC had solved 98 cases out of the 121 highlighted in the last AG's Report.