1MDB: Tony Pua stunned by PAC chairman's refusal to call additional witnesses

Hafiz Marzukhi
Februari 10, 2016 00:15 MYT
Pua said had the decisions been made earlier, the PAC could have finished with all the witnesses much earlier.
Public Accounts Committee (PAC) member Tony Pua has questioned PAC chairman Datuk Hasan Arifin's arguments that the committee need not call any more witnesses in relation to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) probe.
"Based on his arguments, the PAC do not have to call any witnesses at all because 1MDB has already issued dozens of press statements to explain everything.
"As a member of the PAC, I am stunned by the arguments laid out by the Hasan for not calling any more additional witnesses, including Bank Negara Governor, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz and former 1MDB Chief Executive Officer, Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman," said Pua in a statement.
Datuk Hasan has said earlier that Hazem's testimony was not needed as issues during his tenure had already been answered by 1MDB chairman Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin in earlier proceedings.
READ: 1MDB: No need to call Mohd Hazem or Zeti - PAC chairman
READ: 1MDB: Only two more people to give statement to PAC
Pua in his statement noted that Lodin acted in his capacity as the 1MDB chairman, not as the CEO who executed the actions by the company.
Pua added that Hasan's apparent unilateral attempt to end the PAC inquiry before exhausting all material witnesses would destroy all perceptions of impartiality of the PAC in handling this investigation.
On Hasan's argument that the process of concluding the probe could be delayed by calling in more witnesses, Pua said the excuse was unacceptable.
"The calls to decide on key witnesses to be summoned was repeatedly delayed or postponed by Hasan himself during the meetings since November 2015.
"Had the decisions been made earlier, the PAC could have finished with all the witnesses much earlier," said Pua.
READ: 1MDB: Monetary Authority of Singapore, CAD seize large number of bank accounts
READ: Zeti hopes 1MDB investigations to conclude by April
Hasan had reportedly said that the PAC has enough information to make an 'objective, transparent and fair conclusion' on its probe into 1MDB.
He added that the committee need not call additional witnesses as suggested by Pua.
#1MDB #Hasan Arifin #lodin wok kamaruddin #Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman #Tony Pua #Zeti Akhtar Aziz