179 smokers fined for smoking in air-cond places

Oktober 29, 2014 08:27 MYT
The operations included checks on 888 air-conditioned premises.
A total of 179 smokers were fined for smoking in air-conditioned premises, shops and shopping complexes under the Health Ministry's 'Ops Hawa Dingin' which started on Sept 30.
Health Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the operations included checks on 888 air-conditioned premises.
He said the fines were for a minimum of RM250 per person, with total collection standing at RM44,750.
"As many as 133 smokers were fined for smoking in shopping complexes, 45 in air-conditioned food outlets and one in an air-conditioned shop," he said in a statement here Tuesday.
He said the operations were conducted under the Control of Tobacco Product 2004 Regulations Series 7/2014 Enforcement Operations to protect the public from the dangers of passive smoking especially in air-conditioned premises as well as be a reminder to smokers not to smoke in the prohibited areas.
He said the Control of Tobacco Product 2004 Regulations state that non-smoking areas in buildings covered all areas within the building and the walkways covered by permanent roof.
Besides the smokers, 17 owners of air-conditioned premises were also fined for failing to display signs prohibiting smoking in the shops or the signs which were displayed did not meet the specifications determined under the regulations, he said.
He said they were also fined a minimum of RM250 with the overall collection amounting to RM4,250.
"Those who fail to pay the fine during the specified period given to then would be charged in court and if found guilty, they could be fined not more than RM10,000 or sentenced to jail for not more than two years," he said.
#'Ops Hawa Dingin' #smokers