LABUAN:Thirteen people were detained by police for defying standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) at food premises here last night.

Acting Labuan police chief DSP Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Ghani said all of them, aged between 28 and 48 years, were compounded RM1,000 each, under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the local Infected Areas) Regulations 2020.

The offenders will be prosecuted in court if they fail to settle the compound fine.

Offences include failing to comply with physical distancing (11) and the others, for failure to register with the My Sejahtera app for COVID-19 contact tracing upon entering food premises.

“We have 12 teams working round-the-clock to monitor movement of the people in the town centre and recreational spots," he said.