Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir today handed out Hari Raya contributions to his 113 foster children from various races.

All his foster children comprising 67 Malays, Chinese (21), Indians (12), Orang Asli (12) and one from the Punjabi ethnic group, received a cash contribution of RM300 each of which RM100 was raya money while the balance should be used for shopping.

Zambry said the foster children adoption programme, which was created in 2010, aimed to ease the burden of the families of the foster children who either came from poor families or were orphaned.

"The handing out of Aidilfitri contributions is made every year. The programme is not only confined to one particular race but covers non-Malay children too as they all joined in the merriment of Hari Raya," he told reporters after handing out the contributions at Mydin Meru Raya, here today.

The Perak Menteri Besar foster children adoption programme is managed by the Yayasan Bina Upaya Darul Ridzuan (YBUDR) which is also aimed at assisting poor children with potentials in education.